Dog Number 2!

51C800E8-E2E0-49BB-9BC0-319059B7AE4D.jpegYeah I did it. Got a second dog. Fannie is some 15 years old, chronic health issues, but still seems content even if most of her time is spent sleeping. At least I hope she is content as I dread making a final trip to the vet. I have waited to long with other pets, specifically cats. It is not easier on them to let them die at home. It is painful to witness. Boomer was so sick he had become jaundiced with the skin on the inside of the ears yellow because I simply couldn’t make that appointment for euthanasia and was hoping agianst reason for a quick death at home. I had to make the trip; clearly Boomer was in discomfort.

I’ve wanted the second dog for some time, but timing was just never quit right. There was moving, apartments stays, my illness, Fannie illness, trips, life changes. Things have settled, I have time to train, work in a new pet and I have a pet sitter.

Our new roomie is Sparky. He had been given a name of Russell which I didn’t like at all and it just took a bit of time to find something appropriate for the sprite.

I really wanted a walking buddy and I got one. Taking daily walks, sometime twice a day, first day three times! It’s exhausting.

I had forgotten the pure pleasure of seeing a young dog discover the world. Constantly on alert, looking upwards at birds flying by, growling at trash bins in the street. I had forgotten, too, 30 minutes of barking in the crate at bedtime. Peed on the carpet right after coming in and pooped later. Needed to buy white rice so poop lends itself to picking up.

Even Fannie and the cat Put are adjusting. At least I think they are…they are more active.

Sparky is loveable, a cuddlered, also jealous and a dominant trait. Already had a personal training session to work on that frantic barking at dogs and humans. Sparky learns quick. But will it work if I run out of ham meat?