Put Your Bumper Sticker Here

Found myself driving behind a big ass Ford Pick Up truck with bumper stickers pasted all over the tailgate. It looked a very new vehicle – basic black. The bumper stickers gave me pause to consider when free speech becomes public indecency.
The stickers were in the vein of Puck Felosi, Put your Carbon (foot pic) up my (dem donkey pic). There were lots of them. All rather scatological in tone. Made me wonder about the owner’s personal hang ups.
So at what point is it not about free speech but about public obscenity? Why should I be subjected to what is the equivalent of shouting four letter words on a public street? They have arrested people in some Michigan countries for that. Seems it shouldn’t be any different than putting offensive shit on your vehicle. Ah, there is the rub – who determines what is offensive? To paraphrase a Supreme Court Justice – I’ll know when I hear it.
Then the truck also had NRA gun rights stuff, always very violent in nature. For me, it justifies why we need gun control – the NRA people are violent sons-a-bitches.
The driver was male. I made a point of slowing down when I was in the next lane to get a good look at him. Who are these people? Why would he stick all that stuff on his nice phallic substitute big ole truck? Bumper stickers don’t come off easily.
It is puzzling to me why anyone needs to advertise their beliefs to the entire world. It’s somewhat like proselytizing. Or you are just an ornery son of a bitch who wants to tick people off.
Never forget the car I saw with stickers pro-life and pro gun rights. Wants to save the unborn but shoot the living. There is an inherent contradiction in this person view of the value of life.