When You Die, Your Epitaph Will Be on the Internet

Ran across some info on facebook that someone I once knew died. I did a search to check the obit and found his Pin-interest site. What!? I was surprised; this was a 70 something old guy. He was very active with a high school alumni group, which is surprising since he didn’t have any activities when he actually attended the high school. He left no footprint there.

On to the story…I clicked on the Pin-interest site. Whoa there! What a lecher! Charles Rever has pinned porno!

Now Pin sites come up in various searches and I’m used to seeing furniture styles , wall paper patterns, items for sale, favorite garden ideas. But I have never, ever seen someone, let alone an old adult, post a collection of pics of big breasted women, nudies and real porno. (Pin interest doesn’t check?)

So now that he is dead and gone this is the memory left behind? When he was alive did he consider family members and his children coming up with this on a search?

I suppose plenty of people have found startling surprises when clearing out the homes of the deceased. But you can toss that, effectively bury it, which I’m sure most do. But the internet does not die. It gives us immortality.

Yeah, we’re in an age when many come clean of their personal demons, weaknesses, fetishes in public forums. Do they truly realize the info will be out there forever? Because we flit about the internet in the privacy of our homes it tricks our brain into a level of comfort and security that isn’t there. It is not like walking down the street with a scarlet ‘A’, or the postal carrier seeing your Playboy subscription. Go ahead, send that nudie photo of yourself over your mobile phone to just one person. Seriously, have you even ever taken any nude photo of yourself?

Possibly most offensive is that with all the information at our fingertips, the beauty in the world, the places we can dream about, that a 70 year old male is still fixated by breasts.

I met Charles. He creeped me out. There seemed something mentally awry with him. There was.


So you may want to clean up your internet footprint should the proverbial bus hit.