Hiding from the Dog

Think I previously mentioned that I have a new dog. Going on 3 months together, now. And yes, I am one of those pet people who play hide and seek with their critters (I have also done it with the cats, but they are much harder to surprise and they don’t show anywhere near that level of happiness when they find you).

This guy really follows me around on my heels. He stays so close he bumps into my calves and has caused me to slip out of my shoe. Needs to stop. So he is pretty attached. I do go away alone without crating him. He would poop and pee in his crate and I began to consider it was more separation anxiety, not need. He doesn’t do it in the house, not even when he is alone. Hasn’t damaged anything and doesn’t bark near as much as when crated.

So last night I’m out of his sight in the hallway. I quickly step into the bathroom before he comes from the other room. And I push the door nearly shut. Then wait. There he comes! Rushing down the hall, looking, looking, to the bedroom, racing back to the other end into the kitchen, around the living room, down the hall again. Back and forth, pausing, listening, a few more times. I hold my breathe behind the door. Watch as he gets a bit frantic. Then all of a sudden he stops, a few feet out of my line of sight. Then I hear that noise, that dreadful sound of rushing water – HE IS PISSING ON THE CARPET! Man, dumps a full bladder load!

I spring out of the bathroom, get a rag, get the carpet cleaner for pet stains, get on my knees. I can’t believe he did that! And it was late, not likely he would have gone out again before bed. HE DID IT OUT OF SPITE!

What to do? What can I do. Won’t be hiding anymore, not inside at least.