Exorcisms – in a Neighborhood Near You

I just discovered I have ordained ministers who specifically handle exorcisms in my neighborhood. I am nearly speechless. Seriously? YES! Check out this website: http://redfordparanormal.wix.com/raps.
There is actually an outfit in California that trains people to do this, and gives them certificates. I don’t know where they buy the needed holy water, online store for exorcisms perhaps?
They are serious about demonic possessions. And in some strange connection they use their ministry to back this. Or they got their ministry to run this business. Their methods are church sanctioned – what church I ask.
Interesting is their statement “We are not fame seekers, nor do we wish to have a television series as the confidentiality of our clients is paramount to us.” Huh? Who’s talking about a television show. Oh wait – I think if I were the one being exorcised I might like to profit off of it, but hell if I’ll give them anything. It’s my demon.
I don’t even have to write much here because their website provides all the laughs. They tell you “Should you want to donate to our cause, you can do so through Paypal(sic). We are also fully insured.” Don’t you love PayPal. So they hold an account as Redford Area Paranormal Silencers? Regarding the insurance, exactly what does that insurance cover? Vomit, the possessed person tearing up furniture, heads spinning round unable to face forward? Who out there insures exorcists? Is this property or medical insurance. How about liability for fraud!!!! So is this a scam? These very same people also run a wedding event business. I didn’t know that becoming an ordained minister could be so lucrative for new business ventures. Do they promote the exorcisms to wedding couples – maybe a discount package for when the love fades.
Now you know these people have authority under the American Assoc. of Exorcists. This group “has estaqblished a University for educatiion in the areas of Exorcism-Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare Ministry, Spiritual Warfare Counseling, Interventional Counseling, and Bibblical Demonology. The LEDM curriculum is now the same as found in the Exorcism-Deliverance Degree Program at Agape Christian University @ Choctaaw.” Unfortunately they don’t seem to know about spell check, or perhaps they just can’t spell or type. Call me peculiar, but I judge expertise by being able to put together complete sentences and type (okay smart ass, no remarks about my typos). Spiritual Warfare? And we thought we had our hands full with the Taliban? I need to find out more about biblical demonology.
This is all so frigging amazing! I never fail to be amazing at the ignorance of people. Let’s hear it for the Dark Ages!