The Slap Heard ’round the TV Screen

Oh my. And where is cancel culture now? Smith is black so won’t be cancelled. Isn’t Pinkett-Smith so proud to have more Blacks at the Oscars? There are just so many issues triggered by this assault one doesn’t know where to start.

Smith is a textbook abuser. Rock another foul mothed comedian. And no one asks Pinkett-Smith., likely someone PR people advise to keep quiet. The Smith children, entitled and lucky to have parents who fund their pointless ventures, step into the fray.

Was it staged? A Hollywood prank to boost ratings. Gotta have people talking about you, doesn’t matter how. And we all know no one suffers a downfall from their bad behavior. Just look at Washington D.C. What ever happened to shame? Can’t shame anyone because no one really cares and I’m just constantly amazed as ongoing new evidence of how bad behavior can get. After 4 years of trump how bad can things get, seriously. Sadly, we have come to accept increasingly low standards.

Smith will continue to do movies. Many admire his masculinity. And his friends all just want to share the spotlight. They’re all actors; can you trust what they say?

So we have something new to argue, can put aside for a time whether there is election fraud, vaccines good or bad, worry about Russia (I think that fear is really only in Europe). We have something else to feed the 24-hour news cycle.

But Smith won’t suffer, Rock won’t change his comedy and people will prove they really don’t care, do you? (Did I just quote Melania’s, actually an original from her, as that is beyond her talents.)

Met Gala Fundraiser – Dubious Outfits and Attendees

In today’s NYT is coverage of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s fundraiser for the Costume Institute. Lots of photos. Lots of comments, most finding this extravagant outpouring of waste in poor taste during a pandemic. Personally it really is in poor taste since it changed from a New York society event to a chance for media personalities to be even more outrageous.

Quite a bit of the outrage is over AOC, the liberal New York representative elected for her stance against the status quo. There she is in a designer gown with ‘tax the rich’ in bright red written on the back ala Melania Trump. Tickets for the event are $35,000 each. Nice to see an elected official in attendance rubbing naked elbows with the glitterati. Disappointing. How relevant is the idea that what counts is not your words but your actions. Sure she will leave office substantially richer than when elected.

Then there is some discussion about the art museum being a worthy cause so this demonstration of excess is acceptable. How does one go about ranking worthy philanthropy? Art more important than fighting malaria? Saving street dogs more important than feeding children? What makes any cause truly worthwhile? Does giving food, medicine and money to the needy truly make an effective difference? How long have NGO’s been trying to save African nations?

Many of those preset and photographed are the same outrageously dressed who appeared at other award shows like Grammies, VMAs. This seems to be their allure. Does it help their music? I’m very uninformed about rap and hip-hop and current stuff that passes for pop so I can’t really gauge the effect. Is this truly a sign of their creativity or just a need to be outlandish, rather like a 5 year old (or perhaps a pubescent teen).

I think what the Met gala has evolved to is off key, period. Also I’m sure there were many more in attendance than the people of dubious talent shown in the photos. And I suspect many of the ‘outstanding’ costumed attendees never set foot in the museum otherwise. The people will fade, the museum will endure and the art will evolve. Perhaps in the end implementing pre-natal programs for all is not as worthy; we each have our priorities and in the end life goes on.

Inclusion and Diversity – For Whom?

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, racing to show how inclusive they are with all their diversity. Look at ads with interracial couples, increased blacks among award show nominees, so many films and series have blacks often in incongruous roles (check out Midsommer Murders with its picturesque English villages), Public Television where every month has the Black History month focus.

But where are the Latinos and Asians? How about more Moslems? Appears diversity is only applicable to one race, one ethnic group, one gender.

Let me illustrate with the Detroit Metro area. Detroit News has an article about an accusation that the suburb of Livonia profiles black drivers. For the record Livonia is 2 miles directly west of Detroit and can easily be reached via several main roads and has numerous shopping centers that decades ago left Detroit. A group of activists is screaming profiling, discrimination, ‘driving while black’ issues. Yet Detroiters themselves have for years had tense relationships with Arabs and Koreans who dominate in the retail market in the city (party stores and gas stations). Note that adjacent suburb Dearborn for years had the largest Arab population outside of the Mideast. Detroit’s black community felt discriminated against by these foreign business owners; lots of conflict.

Now Detroit is some 90% black yet residents continue to flee the city for safer suburbs. First whites moved north and west out of Detroit hopscotching to the next suburb and then when blacks followed the white moved one suburb further, and so on. As the black move in shouts of redlining, discrimination, profiling. The traffic tickets discussed in the article relate to taillights out, cracked windshield, etc. Go drive in Detroit and see the wrecks people drive. So they drive into suburbs where police find these offenses easy revenue generators. Oh yeah, you won’t get stopped for that in Detroit which has enough murder, drugs, and general mayhem to deal with. Is this profiling that poor residents of Detroit drive junkers?

Now a Black Lives Matter group is protesting in Livonia claiming police profiling of Blacks. The city is 4.7% black, 4% mixed race, 3.2% Asian. Hispanics not noted. 44% of traffic tickets written to Blacks, their place of residence not noted. Obviously all those tickets didn’t go to just 4% of residents. But Livonia gets plenty of shoppers from Detroit who can quickly travel the expressway to take advantage of shopping opportunities not found in Detroit.

So as part of this diversity frenzy in media, board rooms, newly formed committee for all sorts of groups why am I not seeing more Hispanics? Or Asians? Or women? Or Moslems? (Not sure how identifiable Trans and gays might be; for that matter I don’t mean to imply people of a cultural/ethnic group all look alike.) Is Diversity and inclusion effectively code for something else? Could it be that the loudest voices come from Black and BLM so they are the ones addressed, the squeaky wheel deal?

I watch a lot of foreign movies and TV series. They seem to have a better grasp on making diversity and inclusion happen. And they do so in a manner that is not awkward. Check out the British series ‘We are Lady Parts’ and Canadian ‘Kim’s Convenience Store’. In Germany I can’t help but note all the Turkish names as reporters and actors. But then European countries is not solely confronted with a Black issue – they have enough other groups in the mix.

First Amendment Protections

I truly am so tired of people throwing out the sanctity of their first Amendment rights for a wide range of juvenile, offensive actions. They serve to trivialize the protections that amendment sought to afford us.

What do teenagers who dress provocatively, no let me say they dress in a manner lacking respect to themselves and others. Why is it seen as trendy and progressive for a minor to display parts better left covered? Then there is the English language, so capable with a rich vocabulary. Yet too many are unable to use words with more than 4 letters to express themselves. Oh and let me touch on those ‘sovereign citizens’ whose sole aim is to stage confrontations yelling obscenities at law enforcement, postal workers, etc so they can end up in handcuffs and scream abuse. What do all have in common? They all hide behind claims of violations of first amendment rights.

Current item in the news is a woman in New Jersey with a f—- Biden sign. During the pandemic people in Michigan had yard signs calling a governor a bit—. (Don’t want WordPress flagging my post for obscenities hence the dashes.) We have become such a polarized, infantile, illiterate society. Didn’t people once pride themselves on speaking a learned English, having some iota of manners? So now people strive to go to the lowest common denominator in speech, films, music?

I’m sick of it I tell you – just plain sick! So many causes worth fighting for! Stop wasting our time, the court’s time, making the lawyers richer with your bogus first amendment claims! Have some respect for what freedom of speech means in the old U.S.S.R., China, Third Reich, Trump’s U.S.A. Too many of these people have no idea what it means to live in fear of saying something against the powers in charge, being overheard criticizing government, printing articles and books that express opinions not just 4 letter words.

The loss of common sense. Maybe what people used to have was more fear of what the neighbors might say, and that has pretty much fallen by the wayside. Yes there is a real downside to a society that pushes conformity. But can there be a middle ground?

Yelping Over Yelp and Online Reviews

Again I received notice from Yelp regards a review that “our moderators removed the review you posted to Tiffany’s Wine and Spirits because it didn’t look like your content depicted an experience at this location”. I specified what I purchased, gave prices of items I compared, and pointed out the lack of prices on the item or the shelf! Do I need to post a photo of a receipt? This smells of the owner complaining, right? And Yelp wants those owners to pay for better placement on the site which they won’t do if reviews are bad.

Hence the problem with online reviews. There once was a day when a review was actually useful, like the early eBay days. Gosh, those heady days of online auctions back in 1999 seem like a dream. Granted disgruntled buyers could be unreasonable but those were the days where eBay actually backed sellers, unlike now where sellers have no recourse.

And Angie’s List let’s unhappy companies come after you by getting your home phone number and harassing you if they don’t like a review. You do know they get nice revenue from businesses so it behooves them to keep those people happy.

And have you ever valued a Better Business Bureau seal of approval? Think again. They live on revenue from business members buying those stick on medallions you see on their glass door. And if there is a dispute you have to agree to let them arbitrate or they won’t post your complaint. No wonder clients are so happy, at least when you look on their site. More effective to take a video of the problem and stick it on YouTube.

And Amazon! How can I count the infringements? Fake reviews, sellers offering to pay you to remove poor reviews. I’ve experienced this more than once; funny how the biggest offenders are Chinese companies. Yes when the product ships from China (as evidenced by the airmail envelope not declaring commercial product) and half the reviewers have Chinese names and write in broken English, etc. it is a Chinese company.

And even on my neighborhood Nextdoor site I’ve found family members giving a company recommended status.

Once again the potential of the internet to be useful has been usurped by unethical, devious humans. A good thing turned on it’s head.

So what’s a body to do? As too many of the top reviews are suspicious I go to the bottom reviews. I think those will be honest at least. And it doesn’t mean I won’t buy the product; often I don’t care about a feature the poster took issue with. It lets me know what might go wrong. Or maybe the reviews are very dated.

Further I’ve found the majority of people really don’t like to complain or say anything that might be critical. I’m not nasty and not untruthful; I recount my experience, explain with detail what transpired. Doesn’t help me at all if a review merely states ‘I liked it’ or ‘the food was very good’. Give me some substance!

Juneteenth – Nations and Their Holidays

I’m now curious about the process of which days nations choose to single out as worthy of commemoration. Of course founding days always rank up there, various war memorials, and of course lots of religious holidays going back to a time when countries were more homogenous in their religions. Then there are ones who’s origins aren’t quite as clear: May Day in Europe. Why the birthdays of some presidents and not others. Why do some ethnic figures warrant holidays and not others, such as M.L. King and Columbus? ( Don’t think that is something that happens in Europe.)

And what about the Indians? They really need a strong lobby. Changing Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day really isn’t giving native peoples their due. American Indian tribes still get little acknowledgment for deep injustices inflicted on them from the first ‘discovery’ of their lands to the present day. Why are they so ignored, even by the many voices that claim to right inequities inflicted on everything and everybody by ruling powers?

It is all a matter of current public sentiment and politics. What it the real function of national holidays? Does anyone really care about the underlining event? It is just a holiday, and often no longer even celebrated on the official day as we all look for a long weekend.

At the time a holiday is enacted the rhetoric warms the hearts of supporters. People vow to never forget, to always hold in high esteem the dead, the legacy, the contributions made by he, she, the event. Religious holidays get lip service. How many understand the Easter holiday significance, or care.

So now we add another politically expedient, sign of the times holiday – Juneteenth. Is it really more different than Italians pushing Columbus Day? And tell me, how does Memorial Day differ from Veterans Day? Originally their purposes were different but the country decided against commemorating specific wars. And Lincoln lost out to Washington, or just a general President’s Day effectively celebrating no one. But Christian religious holidays endure.

What is not Working During Pandemic Times

The pandemic is having all sorts of unusual repercussions. A recent Ikea visit was met with empty shelves throughout the store. The grocery is still short of the sauces and gravies. And then there is traveling…ah yes I am fortunate that those are my woes in contrast to those with sickness and/or no job.

Taking a trip within Michigan used AirBNB to book a cabin. The listing prove hard to maneuver thru enchanting descriptions, widely varying cleaning and administrative fees , and each listing having their own complex cancellation policies. And once you book you receive details and realize the place has negative factors and you don’t want to book. I note most the rentals have property managers – you are dealing with actual owners. It is now a business to rent out places. So your refund, which was charged immediately now takes some 10 business days to refund.

So frustrated with AirBNB I went to VRBO – Vacation Rental By Owner. The listings are much easier to decipher. But photos often don’t give a good view of the property and the site. They all make the cottages look alone on the lake which they’re not. Got to read between the lines and sometimes look at a satellite photo of the area. Again owners are taking advantage of listing a cheap nightly rate then piling on fees: cleaning, administrative, pet, etc. But it is a bit easier to check these in an initial step.

So I booked a cabin in Northern Michigan to see area preserves. Price reasonable even with the additional fees. As the travel date neared I received check-in instructions. Verified 2 pm check in (one reason I choose this rental) and gave me an option for noon check in with manager approval. That would be great as I could arrive, have lunch, then head out for a hike, so I contacted manager. The response was that wasn’t possible as check in is 4 pm! Back and forth on messages and a photo of the listing. And I am dealing with a property manager. Early time was a typo – sorry! Can’t cancel now as I’m leaving in 3 days.

On to Overseas Adventure Travel – due to the pandemic I’ve experienced 3 trip cancellations. Before you book with OAT be aware of their complicated system of travel certificates, discounts, goodwill credits, early payment discounts, etc. It is mind boggling to try to keep track of what is going on especially when everything gets recalculated on top of trip cancellations. And they don’t send any verification of what has transpired. After a Feb conversation with agent Bobby he didn’t follow thru on utilizing my credits to paying off the scheduled Dec Costa Rica trip. After 3 days of calling and unable to get thru due to long wait times I finally got Erik.

Bobby didn’t calculate things right. This is the second timeI’ve had that happen with an OAT agent. It is mathematical smoke and mirrors. Differences arise from which number is used for that special 10% discount. And that extra travel certificate used on the last trip isn’t valid now so you don’t get that credit. And I didn’t book airfare for Costa Rica as all the routes were awful so I want to wait till more planes are flying and use the credit I have with Delta. Anyway, if I book it thru OAT that will leave me to too small of a dollar amount to apply to a future trip and then have to pay additional money. Giving refunds is something they will work hard to avoid. So at some future date I will be looking for a trip as close to that dollar amount as possible.

So how many of these problems are due to pandemic confusion? I know the travel industry is frantically juggling to stay afloat (so glad I don’t do cruises). But the home rentals? Perhaps as I haven’t used them previously I don’t realize how messy they are. Forget about doing home improvements: product and labor shortages.

I will stay busy going to the dog park. And as soon as waters warm up there is kayaking. Both activities do not require my using inaccurate, sketchy online info. Keep it simple.

I’ve Become an Old Fogey?

Grammy awards are here once again.Can’t remember when I last watched a Grammy debacle, er…show. Can’t remember if I ever watched an actual Grammy show, it has been that long.

Today’s NYT’s has articles covering the show. The photos are enough to put me off. I do remember have watched a portion of a broadcast some 20 years ago and finding it actually scary. Believe it was the time rap was coming on the music scene. The music has too much bass, lyrics unintelligible, performers acting and dressing in a misogynistic manner. Never tuned in again. The music world was too alien for me.

I see the protests in connection with all other award spectacles about not enough representation of women and blacks. And then here come the Grammys. Are there any white performers? Does anyone sing so they can be understood? Is music all over strutting like a rabid cat in heat? I really don’t want to see how well someone can shake their bootie or grab their penis. And frankly I find the outfits so over the top as to be pointless.

And Beyonce’s daughter gets a Grammy? WTF is up with that? It is as worthless as giving an Oscar to a child performer who appears in their first movie role; that is not acting. It also demeans the worth of the award, even though we know industry awards are mainly PR campaigns.

So back to issues of racism. I am familiar with discussions about black vs white discrimination. Simplified, if one is part of the group in charge you can’t experience discrimination. Yet I look at the show and I don’t see my tastes reflected, an argument used by minorities about not seeing themselves in various media. And I see it not only in the Grammys, but also sports.

So can we ever achieve equality? Can we ever have a culture where we all feel valued participants? I don’t know. I question what I see. I also know this alienation is often felt as people age, cultures evolve (or possibly devolve). Now let me go put on a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young record on the turntable (and yes the elderly back then found them appalling).

Possible Uses for Gorilla Spray Adhesive?

I did not realize Gorilla Glue came in a spray. Is anyone not familiar with the Gorilla Glue commercials where the gorilla comes up and scares some woman? Yeah, sorta stupid, but they make a point of how strong the glue is, right? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get that, right?

Well apparently some people didn’t get the message and don’t understand the concept of glue, super glue and the like. A woman who ran out of her usual hairspray, something with an odd name of Got2B Glued. So she got herself a can of Gorilla Glue Spray Adhesive. I kid you not.

Is reading no longer taught in schools? Is adhesive a big complicated word, too big for someone used to odd abbreviations and numbers instead of words. Do we need the advertising world to be restricted to using product names that make grammatical sense so as not to confuse the public?

Yes she did spray her hair and it certainly puts her old hairspray to shame. Her hairdo is now permanent. Check it out on tik tok: It don’t move I hate it here ( (or look up the NYT article under Gorilla Glue Spray used on hair.)

In the video she has outrageous nails and what the heck is going on with her eyes? How can anyone with a normal job deck themselves out like that? Oh, I know what you’re reaction is to that…we’re not gonna go there. Maybe if she spent more money on a education instead of nails, and super lashes, and Gorilla Glue she wouldn’t need her head shaved along with probably some dermatological treatments.

And are all Tik Tok users brain dead. She is getting a whole lot of sympathy! She is an idiot! WTF! (sorry)

Well as I tire of lockdown, cancelled trips abroad, lack of activities this is a bit of diversion. Like I always say, I consider the movie Idiocracy a documentary.

From the Theater of the Absurd

I refrained from engaging in political posts. But after the horrifying acts of sedition witnessed in Washington on Jan 6 I am caught up in the utter insanity of what can these crazies be thinking.

A quote from a terrorist at today’s demonstration in Lansing:

Teagan, who carried an AR-15 and six magazines of ammunition on his chest, said the rally was meant to create a forum for people across the political spectrum to discuss their views. “We don’t want a civil war at all,” Teagan said. “I would love to see a peaceful revolution, keyword peaceful.”

He is armed with an AR-15 (granted I couldn’t identify one if it shot me in the head) and 6 magazines of ammo! Yet he wants this to be peaceful? Did Gandhi arm himself to the teeth with knives, clubs, spears, and assault weapons when he held peaceful demonstrations against the British?

Are people so stupid they don’t hear themselves? And yes, they do want a revolution, which is why all the false patriot jargon. And what revolution in history are they taking their cues from. I’ve read accounts of actual participants people in the American Revolution. They were ordinary farmers who truly sacrificed protecting their family, going without pay, and the reality they would be shot as a traitor. The French Revolution had people so hungry for blood and revenge they turned on each other after toppling the monarchy. And the Bolsheviks – at least they had a plan and ideology even though they couldn’t agree on it.

I hear the anarchist mob at the Capitol described in a foreign newscast as more like a cosplaying gathering of a lot of people with trump merchandise. As I watch the video footage and photos I’m astonished no end at the money these crazies spend on trump label hats, sweatpants, banners, flags, all sorts of looney paraphernalia. I noticed it driving around the rural areas before the election, especially in poor areas. Clearly the democrats missed the merchandizing opportunities. Something else is going on here, something very tribal-like, painted faces like seen at sports arenas. Are we becoming more primitive, or is this an unintended consequence of globalization where country identities are blurred?

I am left to ponder the changes now understood with something being peaceful. Meanwhile the few demonstrators that showed up in Lansing today dispersed early. But they were successful in one respect – no legislative session this week out of fear. So they brought state government to a standstill. Sad, isn’t it?