World Cup 2022 First Impression

Been watching several of the opening matches involving teams that won’t make it to the next level – but that’s what is the appeal to me. I like these early matches. I enjoy teams playing their hearts out, the excitement of playing on a world stage. But in the early days of streaming I could watch more of the games free online. Now FOX has split between television broadcast and paid cable. Telemundo offers free games via eacok which seems to require you sign up for a basic subscription to get the free 7 days; series lasts longer. Finding I don’t particularly mind watching the replay of matches on Tubi. Added benefit is I can stop and start and reply and needed.

So far France has the best-looking team, sharp, immaculately groomed, all of them. Do players reach some sort of consensus on this? Their uniform is very basic but sharp – navy with gold lettering. Now all the players on all the teams have the same level of fitness; some stuck wearing gaudy uniforms, but individual choice on haircuts and beards vary widely. Not on the French team. They go for tight haircuts, no dread locks or braids or long unkempt hair. And they look all around healthier unlike the very pale looking Australians which is rather a surprise. Thought they were on Bondi Beach all the time.

So what accounts for this difference? Not weather, not race, so that leaves culture. Exactly what is different in France that isn’t part of life elsewhere. I need to ponder this. My direct experience with daily living in France is limited. Let me recall domestic scenes from French movies, the food and drink must play a role. I need to have a fresh croissant every morning (then I need to move possibly to Quebec). Eat less, but eat better? Food for thought – haha.

Also note there seems a lot of minutes added on after each set. So did referees decide to generally allow more stoppage during the game? As many as 6 and 9 minutes are being added in many sets.

Really notice players sweating. But no one is drinking water during a match. Seem to recall the previous World Cup where water bottles were always on the side lines.

But having fun watching. This is the only sporting event I ever watch, every 4 years. Sadly nothing in between. And again this hopes high for England as they always are, but they never ever prove worth the hype. And in the playoffs it will come down to the usual suspects, but it is fun getting there.

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