Possible Uses for Gorilla Spray Adhesive?

I did not realize Gorilla Glue came in a spray. Is anyone not familiar with the Gorilla Glue commercials where the gorilla comes up and scares some woman? Yeah, sorta stupid, but they make a point of how strong the glue is, right? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get that, right?

Well apparently some people didn’t get the message and don’t understand the concept of glue, super glue and the like. A woman who ran out of her usual hairspray, something with an odd name of Got2B Glued. So she got herself a can of Gorilla Glue Spray Adhesive. I kid you not.

Is reading no longer taught in schools? Is adhesive a big complicated word, too big for someone used to odd abbreviations and numbers instead of words. Do we need the advertising world to be restricted to using product names that make grammatical sense so as not to confuse the public?

Yes she did spray her hair and it certainly puts her old hairspray to shame. Her hairdo is now permanent. Check it out on tik tok: It don’t move I hate it here (tiktok.com) (or look up the NYT article under Gorilla Glue Spray used on hair.)

In the video she has outrageous nails and what the heck is going on with her eyes? How can anyone with a normal job deck themselves out like that? Oh, I know what you’re reaction is to that…we’re not gonna go there. Maybe if she spent more money on a education instead of nails, and super lashes, and Gorilla Glue she wouldn’t need her head shaved along with probably some dermatological treatments.

And are all Tik Tok users brain dead. She is getting a whole lot of sympathy! She is an idiot! WTF! (sorry)

Well as I tire of lockdown, cancelled trips abroad, lack of activities this is a bit of diversion. Like I always say, I consider the movie Idiocracy a documentary.

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