Shopping in Global Pandemic Conditions

I understood, somewhat, the initial problems stocking sanitizer, disinfectants and toilet paper (didn’t understand the hoarding need here). Then came the complete absence of flour and yeast. I did not realize Americans still knew how to bake, from scratch yet, and even more amazing using yeast! Never ever had a problem buying yeast previously; only problem I encountered was expired yeast product. Then no dried beans – did not anticipate that. Not a big pasta user so those bare shelves didn’t bother me. I understood the logic behind these shortages as people went into hoarding mode, were cooking all their meals at home. It made sense that companies could not redistribute product that would have gone to big users like restaurants, schools, etc. as they were unable to repackage them for the retail market.

Nor did I anticipate the library closing otherwise I would have stocked up on DVDs and audio books.

Now I notice a different phenomena with availability of merchandise. I went to Target; they have a lot of empty shelves, and this wasn’t toilet paper and the like. I wondered if the store were closing.

At the big box hardware stores I notice empty spaces. Light fixtures have been removed from the display. They’re sold out of many lights. So are so many people working on home project like myself? I asked an employee, retail sales associate, what was up. He told me they can’t get merchandise from China. And as nothing is made in the US anymore that means we have fewer products. The pandemic disrupted manufacturing and shipping.

I am glad to be retired, not have to worry about holding my job, keeping my health insurance. My pension and Social Security are deposited monthly and health insurance is covered regardless of my employment status. And yet I received a stimulus check – for what reason?

So I am lucky that my concerns are over a lack of consumer goods. But flour is back on the shelves; yeast and cooking spray are still MIA. Lots of veggies. So I am eating better than before, with regular meals. And there are still some projects to tackle, but have yet to find the right dining room fixture.

Oh I decided I want a pergola in the yard. If I have it put up now I will be ready in spring to plant clematis and grapes and climbing roses. Alas, the best looking company for these is all sold out! And I’m glad I ordered my kayak early; hear those have been sold out too. My travel plans are on indefinite hold so I had no need to let funds accumulate. Lest you be too critical of me, I did donate to charity some of that stimulus check.

UPDATE 11/2022 I survived, as is obvious from subsequent posts. Still the supply side hasn’t recovered and shortages continue, sometimes the oddest stuff like sugar free pudding. I didn’t get the pergola as glad I held off. The floodlights of my neighbors continue to be an intrusive problem and my intention was to sit out there at night. Now the problem is prices hikes – eggs at Trader Joe’s went up 80 cents a dozen! A cup of French Onion soup at Panerras is $6.49! And just got the new utility bill for gas and electricity – yikes! And the cold hasn’t hit yet. Gas at $4.27 and of course oil companies announced record profits (along with the airlines). What is wrong with the way things work?

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