Happy Days! World Cup is Here!

I live for this every 4 years! When I worked I managed to take long breaks and lunches to watch games. Once retired I found a good pub to watch big screen, usually alone or with a couple of foreigners (Didn’t have cable TV at home.)

Now I have a smart TV, figured out how to use Hulu, sort of. Now if I could only figure out the times for the games. Hey, I know Moscow is in a different time zone, but everything in the US says the England – Tunisia game starts at 2 pm ET, EDT. It is 2:26, do you know what happened to your world cup game? And Hulu just ran a commercial that started this game is at 1 pm ET. And at 2:28 this game is not starting any time soon. Damn, I could have run to the store for snacks.

UPDATE! Stupid Hulu switched me to someone on Fox Sports titled FIFA Today. Why it is so hard in the US to just watch the game? I remember a previous World Cup where the ABC broadcast was so tied up in reporting stats I watched instead on Telmundo (I don’t speak Spanish). And the is so much filler crap and bad announcers on FOX. Who is this woman with the nearly undecipherable English accent? Need subtitles when she talks.

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