NPR – Hello! Have you Forgotten Your Old Members?

Listening to Weekend edition this Sunday morn. Host is Lulu Navarro. Increasingly I feel the stories are not for me. Contemporary Mexican music, LGBT balls, too much rap music, too many stories that so not give me a listening experience I enjoy.

I do long for the old “Prairie Home Companion” broadcasts, the older ones with stories like ‘Gospel Birds’. I love the diversity of newbroadcasters whose names let me know you don’t have to be an urban black & white anchor pair to do news in this country.

I’m sure NPR is consciously trying to attract a younger, more diverse, listener base. NPR, is the strategy working for you? I’m listening less. Moving over to the classical music stations and podcasts. Podcasts are wonderful but there is a danger to picking stories you want to hear. Sort of like choosing to live in neighborhoods of like minded people.

I listen less, I donate less. Do I need to revise my will? Not quite yet…

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