Bo? What ever Happened to Bo, Obama Dog?

UPDATE: Odd that this is the most popular post on my site. Why is that? Are so many interested in the Obama dog? Is Bo a popular search term? Very curious.

Remember when Sen. Edward Kennedy gifted the Obama’s a Portuguese Water Dog? People were shitting themselves about this breed and probably flooded breeders with requests. But tell me, dear reader, when was the last time you saw Bo in any White House pictures? Did you know Bo has a companion, another Portuguese Water Dog named Sunny. Guess the Obama spin crew felt the good press and exposure was worth trying to duplicate?
The Obama family never struck me as dog people. Most first ladies don’t seem like dog people as they are seemingly over focused on their wardrobes. Who would let a beastie near those high-priced clothes? Fur baby or not. And him, well, not anything like FDR and Fala, or for that matter Johnson and his hounds.
Nixon didn’t seem a dog person either. I wonder if dogs ever warmed to him? Sort of like my doggie who is friendly to everyone, except my neighbor’s wife and the retarded guy. Her bark on the retarded fellow is truly different from that used on other occasions – she senses something different about him. And hold back any critiques about my use of an incorrect, demeaning term. I don’t know what his exact mental issue is, and challenged adult or special needs person, or whatever is still too vague.
So whose got the dogs? Did they farm them out? Were they able to help on the Easter Egg roll (do they even still have that – they could be tossing in ones filled with plastic explosives). Who picks up the poop?
And those girls – well hardly think they’ll be walking the dogs.
Google Bo, Obama dog and I can’t even find anything from this year! The dogs have disappeared from media. Even Facebook pages for Bo and Sunny have no current updates. THEY’VE KILLED THEM! Alert Fox news! I think there is a great muckraking Obama story here.
Didn’t we used to at least see Clinton’s Socks on occasion? Why more coverage for a CAT! Not really more coverage, but better press manipulation perhaps.
Bet George Bush the Younger likes his dogs. So he has one redeeming quality. I really do see him as a dog guy. Dogs are very forgiving of drunks and idiots, except for my retarded guy (okay, okay, I’ll stop using the term, for now).
Being from the Midwest I had a better image of Chicagoland folks. Of course I know it’s the Obama admins that really make things happen and are more likely to exploit the animal for gain and photo ops. But now I’m seeing the group is really more like Rahm Emanuel and the heartless stockyard people. These are not idealized warm-hearted Midwestern types. So I bet they did kill the dogs…

One thought on “Bo? What ever Happened to Bo, Obama Dog?

  1. YOU might be right …I have not seen the dogs in a few years now…I guess their worthiness was short lived. I think the PETA should be all over this one.

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