Road Trip

Freshly returned from a trip to Connecticut. Oh it is lovely to be in a state not full of the great unwashed! Initial impressions of Michigan after crossing the Blue Water Bridge: poorly maintained highways, lots of road kill all shapes and sizes, chunks of tire treads littering the landscape. One great thing about toll roads – they are immaculate! People and cars must hit deer in New York, but I never see the mutilated remains and blood spatters. And even the free highways of Connecticut are maintained. It is nice to be in the state with the highest per capita income in the country.
And I had a chance to meet a New York State Trooper up close and personal. Caught me in a speed trap near a construction site. Damn those audio books! I was listening to Nevada Barr’s

    Winter Study

right at the suspenseful end! I missed the 55 mph signs for the work zone, the part that comes BEFORE the orange barrels are put out. Of course the troopers were lined up ready to catch the offenders. Yeah, I got the old ‘I’m giving you a break and not making it a work zone’ line. Fines are doubled in work zones. You could have given me more of a break and given me a warning! Can hardly wait to see how much this will cost me.
don’t pay it and never set foot in New York again? What about two tickets in a work zone and license is suspended? They can’t do that if you are licensed from another state, can they? And does my insurance company find out about tickets issued in other states? Need to get on Google.

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