Short Sales

I don’t think I want to view any more houses that are short sales. These people stay home for the ‘showing’, don’t bother to clean up the house to make it presentable, usually have crummy homes (at least in the price range I’m looking at). It is hard to discuss the home, actually make nasty comments about it, when the owner is standing right there.
My feeling is they don’t care whether it sells or not. They know they are on the slippery slope to foreclosure.
And what is the point of even looking at short sales – it will take over 60 days to even get an answer from the bank! No more. Unless it is a really hot deal I’m not even going to bother.
But I end up looking at homes I don’t really want because I feel I have to be doing something, making an effort.
I think I am still pining for that foreclosure home. They have 60 days to get their act together with that 203k deal. Can they get estimates for improvements and still have the house appraise for less than the cost plus improvements? They bid about $120,000, house needs new kitchen, new screened in porch, some minor electrical improvements, plus other stuff FHA is sure to come up with. Same house, 200 more sq ft sold in June for $135,000. I can only hope. Clock is ticking – 60 days is up end of August.

UPDATE: They got the house. Bigger loan for the bank.

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