Hotel Lithuania Ch 3/pg 3

Check in is efficient and English is spoken! I find out where I can exchange money since I couldn’t do it before the trip. The currency, Litas, is not available outside the country. Just not a whole lot of demand for this money on the world currency markets let alone at my local bank. The rate is also fixed by the government making it not desirable for trade on exchange markets.
The lobby looks familiar just like so many other big hotels. Off to one side is a restaurant, a gift shop nearby and of course a postcard rack. I head over to take a quick assessment of significant sights in town. Looks like any middle European city, the usual old buildings and an occasional monument on the marketplace. Everything seems modern, clean, and nice. We realize how very tired we are, exhausted and ready for bed.
The porter takes us to our room, how nice, all of us with the two suitcases pressed into the tiny elevator. I read the signs for massage and sauna and advertisement pictures of lovely people enjoying a big classy restaurant. This is a really big hotel, but we are here for one night only. We’ll have another chance to explore before leaving the country when we stay here again in order to catch a very early morning flight home.
Our room is tiny! Décor is a sort of Scandinavian style. Let’s call it northern European modern. There is room for the two beds and a chair, us and that really big suitcase. It’s not as bad as the hotel I once stayed in London; there I nearly couldn’t move both me and my suitcase into the room at the same time. We do have a private bath which is always a nice perk. The hotel has obviously been remodeled not too long ago, but as long as Mom and I coordinate our movements, and don’t change course abruptly, we’re fine in the tight space. No need to unpack much as we won’t be here long.

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