What’s Happening to American Workers

If you think you have it bad in these times, just talk to someone else. Here is an experience from a friend of mine at Priceline Call Center:

We just had a boat load of newbies released to the floor, oh my they are still wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and so eager to please, their voices brimming with excitement (in the false belief that they might be able to help their customers). My new neighbor Nancy (the one with the ambulance incident) and I keep laughing, we wonder who long this excitement will last. She told me last week that our team lead Roger (the author of the notorious e-mail) put her through hell a view weeks ago. She is supposedly “a rebellious” character and “insubordinate” (she unknowingly stepped on the big ego of this little freak). No wonder she ended up in the ER. Stress at work, crap going on at home, on top of it she’s on some mild form of Prozac. She’s living in constant fear to get fired, she’s the sole bread-winner. Looks like compared with that I do actually have a fantastic life!

What has happened to workers in America? Why do these same workers belittle European countries, as socialist – buzzword for communist – because their workers don’t just live to work, but have real lives with vacations, healthcare and job security unlike anything in the U.S.

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