Starbucks Pays Up

I will be receiving my tips. The chipper little girl at the Partnerline called me to let me know. As typical of her generation (yeah, I’m making a judgement call about her age based on her speech and voice and position) it was very hard to clarify to her that the address used in early March was valid – I did not move until the end of March. Anyway, I have mail forwarding. Little Cary seems convinced that I am at fault haven’t been so inconsiderate as to move and lose my mail. No you silly bitch – the manager sent the funds by cash! Regular mail. She is a silly bitch too. Stop trying to find a reason that I did something wrong. Well, I did get fired but considering the level of dysfunction among the ADD and alcoholic coworkers (and high maintainence clients) I don’t consider it a fault on my behalf. Yeah, I never really bought in to the Starbucks as an experience concept.

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